yay me. tl;dr: new Blog().save

about blogging

I’ve been thinking about writing a blog for a long time. One of the reasons I kept postponing it was because I though that it wouldn’t be useful. Was there something that I could contribute, something that someone not already had written about?

I used to think that there wasn’t. And if I had some information that could aid someone, I thought it would be better to fix it at the source.

For example if there was an weird error message from a compiler, then the obvious thing was to either fix the compiler message or make a bug report. A tracker would be a good place to collect workarounds, and it would be as searchable as a blog post.

Example code could be inluded in the documentation, and so on.


What I’ve realized, is that sometimes there is no good place for some information. Maybe related to a closed source project without a public bug tracker, or it may not even be related to coding.

I rarely use close source software, and writing about personal haven’t felt that important.

But I realised that a blog is a good place to document thoughs and experiences. To shine some light on real world usages of code/products to spark interest, showing gluecode instead of nonsense minimal examples for a single function used in isolation.


I have tried blogging in the past, but has always failed to keep it going.

I don’t not have high hopes of keeping this blog alive. I like writing, but most of the time I don’t not feel satisfied and tend to erase sentence after sentence.

Every post is progress, although I don’t really know to what end.